Newspin: Your Information Distillation

Newspin is a daily email curating the news in the UK. It takes the previous day's trending UK News stories, performs some fancy analysis on what is being said, and serves it in your inbox, just in time for lunch.

The aim of Newspin is to take back control of the News. It is intended to give calmer window into what is going, while helping you take a step back and see how articles from different source are being recieved by their audience.

Newspin is a News-Pin: A single blast of news presented cleanly, rather than endless doomscrolling, knowing up front if most people respond negatively or positively to the article.

Newspin is a New-Spin: Attempting to equip readers to recognise media biases and the various angles of a story outside of what they might usually read and to understand the way different publication audiences are interpreting each story.
This is a trial run that will run for a short amount of time and use a limited number of sources. During this trial the source count will go up and new features will be added. I already have some ideas for improvements, but really want plenty of feedback from you! You can do this easily by replying to the email, or messaging me elsewhere. When opening more widely, Newspin might become a weekly email rather than daily, but trialing daily allows for faster feedback ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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